Our global privacy policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated on July, 15, 2023. If there will be any update, amendment, or changes to our Privacy Policy then these will be posted on this page

        Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how Day planner app collects, uses, and shares your personal information when you use our mobile application.

What Personal Information We Collect

We collect the following types of personal information from you when you use our app:

1.Contact information, such as your name, email address, and phone number.
2.Device information, such as your device’s unique identifier, operating system, and browser type.
3.Usage data, such as the pages you visit in our app, the features you use, and the time and date of your visits.
4.Location data, if you have given us permission to access your location.

5. Gallery access with your permission due to serve this app as a social media.  Until you use this feature will not take your gallery access. We can ensure you that will never use your data and also we will reserve your privacy as per privacy maintenance rules

How We Use Your Personal Information

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

1.To provide you with the services you have requested. This includes providing you with access to our app, processing your payments, and responding to your requests for support.
2.To improve our app and services. We use your personal information to analyze how you use our app so that we can improve its performance and make it more user-friendly.
3.To send you marketing communications. We may send you email or push notifications with information about our products and services, or with special offers. You can unsubscribe from these communications at any time.
4.To comply with the law. We may use your personal information to comply with applicable laws and regulations, such as those related to fraud prevention and data security.

Your Rights

You have the following rights with respect to your personal information:

1.The right to access your personal information. You can request a copy of the personal information we have about you.
2.The right to correct your personal information. If you believe that your personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, you can request that we correct it.
3.The right to delete your personal information. You can request that we delete your personal information. However, we may not be able to delete your personal information if it is necessary for us to comply with the law or to resolve a dispute.
4.The right to object to the processing of your personal information. You can object to the processing of your personal information for certain purposes, such as marketing.
5.The right to withdraw your consent. If you have given us your consent to process your personal information, you can withdraw your consent at any time.

Our Subscription Packages

User will be able to use our app in two forms . First one is trial period and another one is subscription period.

           Trial Period:

Initially, we offer our app free of charge for an initial period of 28 days after complete registration for the first time. During this introductory period, users can enjoy all features without incurring any fees. After end of this time user must need to purchase our premium subscriptions to enjoy our premium features which is included in our paid policy.

Paid Subsciptions:

This subscription phase will be started after trial period according to our customer choice.User will be able to choose his plan from our offered subscription policies.Our app encompasses paid features, ensuring top-notch quality services, and complimentary services. The subscription plans are categorized into three segments, all operating on a monthly basis:

1.Gold: Explore the comprehensive details of subscription plans in the settings, where you will find a breakdown of included services specific to your country. Delve into the package descriptions to gain a clear understanding of the offerings within each subscription plan.

Paid services of this subscription are:

    • Advanced Notes
    • Finance
    • Daily Life
    • Advance Alarm
    • Advance Weather with Tips
    • Currency Exchange Rates with Calculation
    • Advance settings
    • Advance Security

Monthly 9.99 USD will take for gold packages subscription

2.Diamond: Explore the comprehensive details of subscription plans in the settings, where you will find a breakdown of included services specific to your country. Delve into the package descriptions to gain a clear understanding of the offerings within each subscription plan.

Paid services of this subscription are:

    • Advanced Notes
    • Advance Task Management
    • Daily Life
    • Advance Alarm
    • Advance Weather with Tips
    • Currency Exchange Rates with Calculation
    • Daily International News Channel
    • Advance settings
    • Advance Security

Monthly 11.99 USD will take for gold packages subscription

3.Platinum: Explore the comprehensive details of subscription plans in the settings, where you will find a breakdown of included services specific to your country. Delve into the package descriptions to gain a clear understanding of the offerings within each subscription plan.

Paid services of this subscription are:

    • Advanced Notes
    • Finance
    • Advance Task Management
    • Advance Lifestyle
    • Daily Life
    • Advance Alarm
    • Advance Weather with Tips
    • Currency Exchange Rates with Calculation
    • Daily International News Channel
    • Advance settings
    • Advance Security

Monthly 17.99 USD will take for gold packages subscription

Rest assured that our payment process adheres to the regulations set forth by the platform where our app is available. We guarantee a seamless and secure transaction experience with no inconsistencies or security concerns on our end. Furthermore, you will not incur any charges before the conclusion of your subscription period.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

Squad Innovators Limited

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on our website. The new Privacy Policy will be effective immediately upon posting.

Effective Date

This Privacy Policy is effective as of 20/7/2023.